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5 Simple Ways to Get Involved!

Updated: Sep 1, 2020

It's a new school year - and it's a whole different school year than any before it, but so many of you are probably asking yourself - "How can I get involved at Lehigh?"

Whether you're a first year student or entering your senior year, we have different ways you can start or continue your entrepreneurial journey at Lehigh:

The Easy Way

The easiest and most convenient way to get involved is to attend a EUREKA! Pitch Competition. These happen monthly and by tuning in, you can 1) learn what ideas your fellow students have for new startups and 2) hear about other Baker Institute opportunities that are coming up. You can also plug into the entrepreneurial community by meeting students who share your interests and the talented alumni and entrepreneurs who serve as reviewers.

Our first EUREKA! is September 10 from 5-7 PM ET via Zoom. We'll do a Baker Institute Q&A at the end. Visit the EUREKA! website to register to attend.

AND if you have an idea you want to pitch, apply! Applications are due September 8 at 9 AM ET and we take ALL ideas - from a napkin sketch to a full formed business.

The All-The-Info Way

Do you want to learn about all the programs Baker offers during the entire year? Check out our Baker 101 program on September 24 at 12 - 1 PM ET via Zoom. We'll go through each way you can get involved, whether now or next summer. This is a great way to begin to understand the entrepreneurial community at Lehigh! Register here to receive the link to attend.

The Student Group Way

New Ventures Club is a student organization that is advised by the Baker Institute. Their goal is to provide a breeding ground for new ideas and to channel those ideas into tangible products or businesses. They offer several entrepreneurial opportunities to campus including Startup Job Fair, LU Make-A-Thon, Speaker Series, and Founder Meetup. Follow them on Instagram @lehigh.nvc to stay up to date and sign up to join.

The One-on-One Way

The Baker Institute staff love to meet new students and learn about their ideas. We are here for you and if you want to schedule time to chat with one of our talented team members, e-mail and we can set up a time. Even if you just want to learn more about what you can do at Baker, we want to meet you!

The Social Way

If you aren't following us on social media, we are @BakerLehigh on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. All the need to know info about future programs, courses, and interesting events will be there! You can also sign up for our monthly newsletter. We have more opportunities to come this semester, so follow us and you'll stay in the know!

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