Benjamin Santos '22 | Bronx, NY Major | Sociology & Anthropology and Political Science
Minor | Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneur: One who organizes, manages, and assumes the risks of a business or enterprise. (Merriam Webster, 2020)
At LehighSiliconValley, LSV, I have seen how stories of focused drive and grit can blend into something profoundly impactful to the world. One company that resembles this approach is Zipline, creating medical material delivery drones positioned in different locations throughout West Africa. From stories about customizing a drone to ship essential blood transfusion material in minutes to unconventional GoDaddy marketing, these two characteristics seem to be present. By the end of my reflection period at Half Moon Bay, I realized just how early I began fostering these crucial skills.
My home’s bill coordinator, file manager, my brother’s shadow while he carved his own path to living independently and be financially stable, and science tutor. By the end of my eighth-grade summer, this was my resume. Translating important medical and legal information to my mother was a responsibility I have had for as long as I can remember. What I once simply viewed as hefty responsibilities served as the catalyst for the development of my methodic and disciplined mindset when developing my future plans. I learned how crucial meeting bill deadlines was and the importance of comprehending information well enough to translate it. Now I am implementing this approach to my educational opportunities like LSV 2020 conducting live case briefing prep to get the most out of our speaker, on my winter break.