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2020 Students & Projects

Each student introduces their project and shares what they learned during the Hatchery in these short videos:

Creativity Track

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Nicolas Altenderfer '23


Mechanical Engineering

"Where's it Go?" is a game aimed to help teach students ages 6-8, who have ADHD, organizational skills in an engaging way.

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Antonio Lia '22



Computer Science
and Business

"Where's it Go?" is a game aimed to help teach students ages 6-8, who have ADHD, organizational skills in an engaging way.

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Baker '21


Industrial and Systems Engineering

A antibacterial wipe container to attach to rentable scooters. 

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Siddhant Bapat '21



Mechanical Engineering

A wearable haptic solution to help budding deaf musicians feel vibrations easily

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Bautista-Lazo '23



A service that connects students within courses and matches them with a random buddy to help study and help with homework

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Tobey Bill '23


Integrated Business and Engineering Honors Program

An app used to memorialize travel in a way that cannot be achieved with only pictures. 

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Escobar-Mendez '22


Global Studies

Program to train and provide Indigenous translators with an understanding of law terms to help Indigenous Migrants and Courts understand one another.

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Max Fern '22




The arrowhead solution is a blockchain-based ceritifcation system for cervid meat that allows ranchers, butchers, and others to submit unalterable information at each step of the meat harvesting process.

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Savanna Hang '22



A public art installation and online initiative to encourage collaboration 

and education through sharing gender identity and sexuality stories and experiences.

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Fritz Isaac '20


Computer Science

Groute is a web application designed to aid mountain bikers in trail system reconnaissance before they've even left the house.

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Sharon Jo '23



PEACH is an online portfolio builder for amateur photographers that helps them gain connections and experience while giving them a platform to share photos and get inspired from people's work.

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Kenny Lin '22


Computer Science

A new app interface for the Lehigh Bus System with a focus on user experience and reliability.

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Weilin Pan '23



The Lehigh Virtual Mini Club Fair which consists of international clubs is a better way for the first-year international students to feel more connected to the Lehigh community.

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Joe Porter '23


Integrated Degree in Engineering, Arts and Sciences

Incorporating audible, visual and electronic reminders into a device that helps geriatrics open pill packets.

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Sahib Saini '22


Computer Science and Business

A service that teaches people how they can utilize technology to improve their organization skills and daily routine 

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Seagull '23


Computer Science

And Business 

I'm creating a game inspired shopping experience with a focus on promoting small artists.

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Janik Wing '23


Integrated Business and Engineering Honors Program

Website that humanizes people in the Bethlehem community through storytelling to encourage more interaction between residents and Lehigh students.

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Samuel Ward '22



A bed transfer assistive device to help seniors with limited strength and mobility lift their legs into bed.

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Isslam Yehia '23


computer science

A solar powered beach chair that is able to provide the user shade and comfort as well as extra power.

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Ami Yoshimura '23


Industrial and Systems Engineering

A new way to connect and engage an emerging artist with their listeners 

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Nelly Cheruiyot '20



A platform that enables patients to receive or request real time updates on lab results, doctor assessments, and drug prescriptions in order to reduce amount of time spent waiting to complete hospital visits


Justin Gelwicks '23


Integrated Business and Engineering Honors Program

A breathable, sweat-wicking, medical-grade mask targeted at active, urban consumers. 

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Rachelle Huh '23


Mechanical Engineering

SeeingTrafficLighit is a real-time, guided image recognition app that helps colorblind drivers or those driving in harsh weather conditions to more easily identify traffic light colors, decreasing the liklihood of an accident.

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Kevin Sun '23



SeeingTrafficLighit is a real-time, guided image recognition app that helps colorblind drivers or those driving in harsh weather conditions to more easily identify traffic light colors, decreasing the liklihood of an accident.


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Devon Jackson '21


international relations

 Vi, a 100% sustainable company based on
up-cycling old clothing into new eco-friendly hair accessories.

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Katie Koslan '21


Integrated Degree in Engineering, Arts and Sciences (IDEAS)

Water quality project based in Southside Bethlehem working to provide lead testing kits to the community

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Mattingly '23


computer Science 

MicroActive uses a microscope shell, and slide management and notation app to make the microscope experience more interactive than virtual microscopes and more affordable than traditional microscopes.

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Romanowski '23


Integrated Business and Engineering Honors Program

MicroActive uses a microscope shell, and slide management and notation app to make the microscope experience more interactive than virtual microscopes and more affordable than traditional microscopes.

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Caroline McCormack '21


Psychology &

Health, Medicine, and Society

An app to increase relevant staff communication to minimize the spread of disease in homeless shelters while maximizing the number of residents.

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Anne Norris '22


Integrated Degree in Engineering, Arts and Sciences

A device that helps music groups share and edit sheet music so that they can work more efficiently and collaboratively. 

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Nick Owens '22


Integrated Degree in Engineering, Arts and Sciences 

An app to help connect college students with clubs and events on campus

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Schmalzle '22


Computer Science 

An app to help connect college students with clubs and events on campus

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Patterson '20


Industrial and Systems Engineering

The Omni-Trap is a "smart" animal capture system which can target certain animals, reset/open remotely, and alert the user with an image of the animal in the cage.

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Quispe '20



The Omni-Trap is a "smart" animal capture system which can target certain animals, reset/open remotely, and alert the user with an image of the animal in the cage.

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Rifkin '22



A small tire gauge meant to live on the wheel of your bike and serve as an early warning system if the tire pressure gets too low. This offers riders confidence and peace of mind that their tires are pumped up correctly, and promotes safe and fun rides.

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Connor Sept '22


Industrial and Systems Engineering

A device that swimmers can wear in the water that will help them develop a faster and more efficient breaststroke kick and reduce the medical risk associated with breastroke

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Kiara Damon '21



Warm, athletic gloves
designed strictly for
cheerleaders to allow
enough warmth and
flexibility to continue
normal stunting/
tumbling in cold


Previous Years


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